Temporary self-expanding metallic stents for achalasia: A prospective study with a long-term follow-

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guihaiyidao1
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AIM: To compare the efficacy of self-expanding metallic stents (SEMSs) for the long-term clinical treatment of achalasia. METHODS: Ninety achalasic patients were treated with a temporary SEMS with a diameter of 20 mm (n = 30, group A), 25 mm (n = 30, group B) or 30 mm (n = 30, group C). Data on clinical symptoms, complications and treatment outcomes were collected, and follow-up was made at 6 mo and at 1, 3-5, 5-8, 8-10 and > 10 years, postoperatively.RESULTS: Stent placement was successful in all patients. Although chest pain occurrence was high, stent migration was less in group C than in groups A and B. The clinical remission rate at 5-8, 8-10 and > 10 years in group C was higher than that in the other two groups. The treatment failure rate was lower in group C (13%) than in groups A (53%) and B (27%). SEMSs in group C resulted in reduced dysphagia scores and lowered esophageal sphincter pressures, as well as normal levels of barium height and width during all the follow-up time periods. Conversely, these parameters increased over time in groups A and B. The primary patency in group C was longer than in groups A and B. CONCLUSION: A temporary SEMS with a diameter of 30 mm is associated with a superior long-term clinical efficacy in the treatment of achalasia compared with a SEMS with a diameter of 20 mm or 25 mm. AIM: To compare the efficacy of self-expanding metallic stents (SEMSs) for the long-term clinical treatment of achalasia. METHODS: Ninety achalasic patients were treated with a temporary SEMS with a diameter of 20 mm (n = 30, group A) , 25 mm (n = 30, group B) or 30 mm (n = 30, group C). Data on clinical symptoms, complications and treatment outcomes were collected, and follow-up was made at 6 mo and at 1, 3- 5, 5-8, 8-10 and> 10 years, postoperatively.RESULTS: Stent placement was successful in all patients. Although chest pain occurred was high, stent migration was less in group C than in groups A and B. The clinical remission rate at 5-8, 8-10 and> 10 years in group C was higher than that in the other two groups. The treatment failure rate was lower in group C (13%) than in groups A (53%) and B 27%). SEMSs in group C resulted in reduced dysphagia scores and lowered esophageal sphincter pressures, as well as normal levels of barium height and width during all the follow-up time per iods. Conversely, these parameters increased over time in groups A and B. The primary patency in group C was longer than in groups A and B. CONCLUSION: A temporary SEMS with a diameter of 30 mm is associated with a superior long-term clinical efficacy in the treatment of achalasia compared with a SEMS with a diameter of 20 mm or 25 mm.
在我这些年的心理咨询工作中,经常能听到来访者讲述他们所做的梦,有的是美梦,有的则是噩梦,来访者对梦的解释五花八门,大多是封建迷信的昭示。    梦境:夫妻拉车时妻子突然消失    一位老先生做了一个奇怪的梦,梦境中情节让他困惑不解。他回忆着自己的梦境说:天空一会是阳光灿烂,一会是阴雨连绵。在崎岖的道路上,他和妻子拉着一辆三轮车,弯腰艰难地向前。起初,妻子在中间把住车把,他用一根长长的绳子“拉帮套”
美国行为心理学家通过大量的事实研究,表明人的性格与口味有着密切的联系。  喜欢吃大米的人:经常自我陶醉,对人对事处理得体,但协作精神差。喜欢吃面食的人:能说会道,不考虑后果及影响;意志不坚强,易丧失信心。喜欢吃甜食的人:热情开朗平易近人,但缺乏冒险精神。喜欢吃酸的人:有事业心,但性格孤僻,不善交际,遇事爱钻牛角尖。喜欢吃辣的人:善于思考,有主见,吃软不吃硬,有时爱挑别人的毛病。喜欢吃咸的人:待人接