
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:neithernor86
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历史的车轮驶进了90年代的第一个春天。 1990年新春佳节,中央电视台先后两次在收视的黄金时间,向全国播放反映菏泽人民创建教育先进市事迹的专题片《千秋基业》。 1990年4月21日,菏泽市党、政、军、民各界为荣获“山东省教育先进市”称号举行庆祝大会。当市委领导将一块“创一流工作,为菏泽增光”的金匾,郑重地交到全国教育系统劳动模范、市教育局长李锡林手中的时候,台下响起了热烈的掌声。菏泽市的教育工作是如何取得这样显著成绩的?带着这个问题,我们来到山东省菏泽市采访。在改革中崛起的菏泽教育事业,给我们留下丁很深的印象。为捐资助教有功者树碑立传走进菏泽市教育局的院子,迎面看到的是“捐资助教,功在乡梓”的石碑: 观中华数千年文明史,助教兴学历来视为义举盛事。我东城魏海村农民张清运,因家贫而辍学,每叹无文化之苦,常自誓曰若富当先助学,丁卯年秋自办铝合金厂而致富,三年共向教育捐资十三万一千元,堪称尊师重教之楷模。特树此碑以示旌表。 The historic wheel drove into the first spring of the 90s. In the Spring Festival of 1990, China Central Television broadcast the special film “Chiaki Foundation”, a feature film that reflects Heze people’s creation of an advanced education city in the prime time twice in succession. April 21, 1990, Heze City, party, government, military and people from all walks of life won the “Education in Shandong Province,” the title of the celebration of the General Assembly. When the leadership of the municipal party committee put “a first-rate work for the Heze glaze,” Jinbian, solemnly handed over to the national education system model worker, Municipal Education Bureau in the hands of Li Xilin, the audience sounded a warm round of applause. Heze city’s education is how to achieve such a remarkable result? With this problem, we came to Heze City, Shandong Province interview. The rise of education in Heze during the reform left us a very deep impression. To donate funds to teach and educate meritorious deeds of the tree of thought into the courtyard of Heze City Bureau of Education, the face of the see is “donated to teach, work in the homeland Azusa” stele: View China thousands of years history of civilization, teaching assistant Xing history has always been regarded as a grand event. Zhang Qingyun, a farmer from Weihai Village, Dongcheng, dropped out of school because of poverty. Every time she sighed without culture, she often vowed to be the first student to learn rich. When Ding Mao started her own aluminum plant in autumn to become rich, she donated 13 yuan to education In case of one thousand yuan, it is a model of respecting teachers and re-teaching. Tree monument to show Jing table.
1 我院在1990年新生入学体检中,对759名本科和专科大学生进行了视力调查,其中汉族学生278名、维吾尔族学生379名、其它少数民 1 Our hospital in 1990 freshmen medical ex