马奈先生 5月7日我们法国人天生有一种喜爱讥讽嘲笑的脾气,可是我们在一定的场合下也会显得温文尔雅,彬彬有礼。我们还十分尊重受迫害的人,甚至会挺身而出,竭尽全力去捍卫那些孤身奋战的人的事业。今天我就要向被一批同行拒于沙龙大门之外的一位艺术家伸出声援之手。纵然他的天才不能激起我的无限钦佩,使我对他毫无保留地加以赞美,可是,因为人们强加于他一个贱民的地位,诬称他为不受欢迎、荒唐可笑的画家,我也会对他产生同情。
Mayain, May 7 We, the French, are naturally born with a temper that is ridiculed and laughed at, but on certain occasions we are gentle and courteous. We also respect the persecuted people very much and will even stand up and do their utmost to defend the cause of those who are alone. Today I am going to show my solidarity with an artist who was rejected by a group of peers outside the salon gate. Even though his genius can not arouse my infinite admiration, I praise him unreservedly for him, but because people impose upon him a pariah position, falsely accusing him of being an unwelcome and absurd painter, and I too He will have sympathy.