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经济要发展,道路须先行。华安地处山区,道路蜿蜒曲折,经济底子薄,村落分布零散,交通网络的建设和完善显得尤为重要。县委、县政府运足内力,巧借外力,发挥政策扶持、山海协作和经济能人等优势,多方筹资数亿元,用于道路、桥梁等基础设施建设,先后拓宽改造了省道西港线漳华公路、省道金上线城关至仙都公路、县道良马线等交通主干道,境内省道公路里程达到100多公里。铺设水泥路面300多公里,为偏远山区群众铺就一条条康庄大道。 Economic development, the road must be preceded. Huaan is located in the mountains, the road twists and turns, the economic foundation, the village scattered, the construction and improvement of transportation network is particularly important. County Party Committee and County Government to transport internal forces, skillfully borrowed external forces, play to policy support, cooperation and economic advantages of Shanhai, multi-funding hundreds of millions of dollars for roads, bridges and other infrastructure construction, has expanded the transformation of the provincial highway Westport Zhang China Road, the provincial highway on-line gold Chengguan to Xian Road, County Road, Malum lines and other transport roads, the provincial highway mileage reached more than 100 kilometers. Laying more than 300 km of cement pavement, paved the way for a remote mountainous village Boulevard.
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