Repair of traumatic plasmalemmal damage to neurons and other eukaryotic cells

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bohaiyifan
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The repair(sealing) of plasmalemmal damage,consisting of small holes to complete transections,is critical for cell survival,especially for neurons that rarely regenerate cell bodies.We first describe and evaluate different measures of cell sealing.Some measures,including morphological/ultra-structural observations,membrane potential,and input resistance,provide very ambiguous assessments of plasmalemmal sealing.In contrast,measures of ionic current flow and dye barriers can,if appropriately used,provide more accurate assessments.We describe the effects of various substances(calcium,calpains,cytoskeletal proteins,ESCRT proteins,m UNC-13,NSF,PEG) and biochemical pathways(PKA,PKC,PLC,Epac,cytosolic oxidation) on plasmalemmal sealing probability,and suggest that substances,pathways,and cellular events associated with plasmalemmal sealing have undergone a very conservative evolution.During sealing,calcium ion influx mobilizes vesicles and other membranous structures(lysosomes,mitochondria,etc.) in a continuous fashion to form a vesicular plug that gradually restricts diffusion of increasingly smaller molecules and ions over a period of seconds to minutes.Furthermore,we find no direct evidence that sealing occurs through the collapse and fusion of severed plasmalemmal leaflets,or in a single step involving the fusion of one large wound vesicle with the nearby,undamaged plasmalemma.We describe how increases in perikaryal calcium levels following axonal transection account for observations that cell body survival decreases the closer an axon is transected to the perikaryon.Finally,we speculate on relationships between plasmalemmal sealing,Wallerian degeneration,and the ability of polyethylene glycol(PEG) to seal cell membranes and rejoin severed axonal ends – an important consideration for the future treatment of trauma to peripheral nerves.A better knowledge of biochemical pathways and cytoplasmic structures involved in plasmalemmal sealing might provide insights to develop treatments for traumatic nerve injuries,stroke,muscular dystrophy,and other pathologies. The repair (sealing) of plasmalemmal damage, consisting of small holes to complete transections, is critical for cell survival, especially for neurons that rarely regenerate cell bodies. We first describe and evaluate different measures of cell sealing. Home measures, including morphological / ultra -structural observations, membrane potential, and input resistance, provide very ambiguous assessments of plasmalemmal sealing. Contrast measures of ionic current flow and dye barriers can, if suitably used, provide more accurate assessments. We describe the effects of various substances (calcium , calpains, cytoskeletal proteins, ESCRT proteins, m UNC-13, NSF, PEG) and biochemical pathways on PKC, PLC, Epac, cytosolic oxidation on plasmalemmal sealing probability, and suggest that substances, pathways, and cellular events associated with plasmalemmal sealing have undergone a very conservative evolution. Fluid sealing, calcium ion influx mobilizes vesicles and other membranous structures (Lysosomes, mitochondria, e tc.) in a continuous fashion to form a vesicular plug that grad restricts diffusion of increasingly smaller molecules and ions over a period of seconds to minutes. Future and we find no direct evidence that the sealing occurs through the collapse and fusion of severed plasmalemmal leaflets, or in a single step involving the fusion of one large wound vesicle with the nearby, undamaged plasmalemma. We describe how increases in perikaryal calcium levels following axonal transection account for observations that cell body survival decreases the closer an axon is transected to the perikaryon. Finally , we speculate on relationships between plasmalemmal sealing, Wallerian degeneration, and the ability of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to seal cell membranes and rejoin severed axonal ends - an important consideration for the future treatment of trauma to peripheral nerves. A better knowledge of biochemical pathways and cytoplasmic structures involved in plasmalemmal sealing may provide insights to deve lop treatments for traumatic nerve injuries, stroke, muscular dystrophy, and other pathologies.
1. 同事穿了件过时的衣服,却又洋洋得意,问你:“这件衣服漂亮不?”你如何回答?  A.“还不错!在前些时候穿更好。”  B.“……”(不吭声,暗自发笑。)  C.暗笑“这衣服早就过时了。”  2. 同事带来了极为帅气的电子记事本,得到了大家的称赞。你怎么办?  A.也夸赞电子记事本确实不错。  B.想方设法的买一支更为先进的电子记事本。  C.希望同学的电子记事本会弄丢。  3. 会上,一位看上
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