“Asherman”综合征是1948年由“Asher-man”报道并命名的,这是以闭经(或月经稀少)、继发不孕、下腹痛或痛经、剖宫产或宫腔操作手术史为特征的一种疾病。该病的诊断主要依赖于症状、子宫输卵管造影术和宫腔镜检查。治疗方法很多,但疗效报道差距很大。 本文作者对7例重度“Asherman”综合征患者进行了子宫肌层切割术。目的是解除宫腔粘连恢复子宫腔的正常容积和形态。所有患者都分别有流产后刮宫、肌瘤切除术、剖宫产后出血病史。闭经或月经稀少、痛经、性
The Asherman syndrome was reported and named in 1948 by Asher-man and is characterized by amenorrhoeic (or menorrhagia), secondary infertility, lower abdominal pain or dysmenorrhea, cesarean section or intrauterine surgical procedures A disease. The diagnosis of the disease mainly depends on the symptoms, hysterosalpingography and hysteroscopy. There are many treatments, but there is a wide range of therapeutic reports. The authors performed myometrial myomectomy in seven patients with severe Asherman syndrome. The purpose is to lift the intrauterine adhesions to restore the normal volume and shape of the uterine cavity. All patients had post-abortion curettage, myomectomy, cesarean section after a history of bleeding. Amenorrhea or menstrual rare, dysmenorrhea, sex