目前在超声指导下很容易经皮穿刺脐静脉,本文报道了1984年10月~1988年10月,277例妊娠妇女用这种方法行322次取胎儿血标本(FBS)的经验。取血指征如下;(a)快速核型分析是最常见的指征(133例)占FBS 指征的48%;(b)先天性弓形体病的产前诊断占FBS 指征的43.3%(120例);(c)先天性风疹的产前诊断4例;(d)胎儿-母体抗D免疫15例;(e)分别通过1、2次脐带穿刺进行红细胞贫血和血友病的产前诊断。
Currently under ultrasound guidance is easy to percutaneous umbilical vein, the report from October 1984 to October 1988, 277 pregnant women using this method 322 fetus blood samples (FBS) experience. (A) Rapid karyotyping is the most common indication (133 cases) accounting for 48% of FBS indications; (b) Prenatal diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis accounts for 43.3% of FBS indications (120 cases); (c) Prenatal diagnosis of congenital rubella in 4 cases; (d) Fetal-maternal anti-D immunization in 15 cases; (e) Production of erythrocytic anemia and hemophilia by 1 and 2 umbilical cord punctures Pre-diagnosis.