看门狗(Watch Dog)技术能够实现崩溃系统的自动恢复,保证系统的稳定性。同时,由于Linux系统在嵌入式领域中的天然优势,我们分析Linux内核对其的支持,以及在三星S3C2440开发板上的实现。目前主要的看门狗应用技术1嵌入式8/16位单片机一般不区分操作系统和应用元件,通常采用硬件实现,采用DS1232、IMP706等自带看门狗功能的复位芯片或自带看门狗功能的MCU对系统进行看门狗管理,开发人员可以根据需要在程序中的何时位置编写看门狗指令,达到管理看门狗的作用。
Watch Dog technology automatically restores crashed systems and ensures system stability. At the same time, due to the natural advantages of the Linux system in the embedded world, we analyze the Linux kernel’s support for it and the implementation on the Samsung S3C2440 development board. At present, the main application of watchdog technology 1 embedded 8/16-bit microcontrollers generally do not distinguish between operating systems and application components, usually using hardware, using DS1232, IMP706 and other self-contained watchdog reset chip or watchdog The function MCU carries on the watchdog management to the system, the developer can write the watchdog instruction according to the need in the procedure when place, in order to manage the watchdog’s function.