由中国物理学会发光分科学会发起、杭州大学物理系和复旦大学电光源研究所筹办的气体发光及其应用学术讨论会,在1984年11月21日至25日在杭州举行。来自全国各地的大专院校、研究单位、工厂共三十一个单位六十五位代表参加了会议。 11月22日上午开幕式上由我国著名电光源专家、上海复旦大学蔡祖泉教授致开幕词,杭州大学副校长谢庭藩教授致欢迎词,浙江省科协副主席李文铸教授和田志伟副教授分别讲了话。中国物理学会发光分科学会秘书长范希武副研究员任会议主席,徐学基副教授和陈哲艮副教授任会议副主席。
The Symposium on Gas Luminescence and its Applications, organized by Physics Department of Hangzhou University and Institute of Electric Light Sources of Fudan University, was initiated by Institute of Luminescence of Chinese Physics Society and held in Hangzhou from November 21 to 25, 1984. Sixty-five delegates from 31 institutions, institutes, research institutes and factories from all over the country attended the conference. At the opening ceremony on the morning of November 22, an opening speech was made by Professor Cai Zuquan, a famous electric light source expert in our country, and Fudan University in Shanghai. Professor Xie Tingfan, vice chancellor of Hangzhou University, delivered a welcoming speech. Professor Li Wenzhu, vice chairman of Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology, and associate professor Tian Zhiwei respectively spoke . Associate Professor Fan Xibu, the secretary general of the Institute of Luminescence, Chinese Society of Physics, served as chairman of the conference. Associate Professor Xu Xueji and Associate Professor Chen Zhengei held the posts of vice chairman of the conference.