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《雪地里的小画家>一文将知识性,趣味性融为一体,课文内容新颖,结构简单,语言浅显。通过学习,让学生知道小马、小狗、小鸡、小鸭的脚趾和脚掌的不同,以及青蛙冬眠的特征。在本课的教学中,我注意了儿童的年龄特点和教材自身的特点,确立了以训练为主线的教学思路。根据低年级阅读教学的重点,我有意识地对学生进行了词句训练和朗读训练,我的做法是: "The little painter in the snow> article will be knowledgeable, interesting blend of text content novel, simple structure, the language plain. Through learning, let students know pony, puppies, chicks, duckling toes and the soles of different, and the characteristics of frog hibernation. In the teaching of this lesson, I noticed the children's age characteristics and the characteristics of the textbooks themselves, and established the teaching idea of ​​training as the main line. According to the focus of the lower grade reading teaching, I consciously carried out the training of students and reading aloud training, my approach is:
于漪先生曾说:“汉语文负载着几千年的中华民族优秀文化,是文化的地质层,渗进了民族的个性,民族的睿智,有极其丰富的文化内涵,极其辉煌的人文精神。”文言文是古人留给我们的文化瑰宝,而传承经典的主阵地则是我们的语文课堂。  然而,文言文阅读教学现状不容乐观,存在的不少问题令人担忧——教师累,学生苦,效果差。长此以往,我们的主阵地大有“沦陷”的危险。  一.教师累  由于教学观念以及教学时间的限制,不少老