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晚商的都城体系是多个政治中心同时存在。文献显示晚商的政治中心有三:安阳殷墟、朝歌和成汤之故居。对于安阳殷墟的性质、朝歌的政治地位、成汤之故居的地望等问题,学术界有不同的见解。安阳殷墟作为从盘庚至帝辛时期的都城应该毋庸置疑,它在晚商可能长期处于主要都城的地位,在殷末帝乙、帝辛时期是作为宗教性都城出现的;朝歌是殷末重要政治中心之一,目前尚无法界定其是离宫还是陪都;成汤之故居似乎应为晚商特定时期的陪都。 The late capital city system is the existence of multiple political centers. The literature shows that there are three political centers in the late Shang Dynasty: the former residences of Anyang Yin Ruins, Chao Song and Cheng Tang. The academic circles have different opinions on the nature of the Yin Ruins in Anyang, the political status of their dynasty songs, and the prospect of the former residence of Cheng Tang. The Yin Ruins of Anyang, as the capitals from Pangea to Dioxin, should undoubtedly have the status of late capitalists in the main capital city for a long time, appearing as religious capital in Yin Dynasty B and Emperor Xian during the period of Yin dynasty One of the important political centers, it is impossible to define whether it is the imperial family or the capital; the former residence of Cheng Tang seems to be the capital of a particular period of late business.
我国古代语文教法中,非常重视对文章的朗读。朗读教学不仅是传授知识,训练技能的途径,更是培养学生审美能力的有效方法。现代语文课程基本教学理念更加重视提高学生的审美情趣,只有通过不同形式的反复朗读,学生才能进入语言创造的美的境界,受到美的熏陶,心通其情,意会其理,不断提高审美素质和审美能力,不断获得深厚的文化素养,积淀深沉的精神底蕴。  在朗读教学中,如何培养学生的审美能力呢?笔者认为可从以下几方面入