目的评价德宏州百日咳预防控制措施及效果。方法采用描述流行病学方法对德宏州2004-2013年百日咳疫情及防治措施进行统计分析。结果 2004-2013年全州报告百日咳病例14例,年均发病率0.12/10万。适龄儿童应接种百日咳疫苗174 235人,实接种172 074人,年均接种率98.76%。与1994-2003年相比,百日咳疫苗接种率上升了10.84%,发病率下降了96.10%。结论百日咳疫苗接种等防治措施落实到位,疫情得到了有效控制。
Objective To evaluate the preventive measures and effects of whooping cough in Dehong prefecture. Methods A descriptive epidemiological method was used to analyze the epidemic situation of pertussis in Dehong Prefecture from 2004 to 2013 and its prevention and treatment measures. Results In 2004-2013, Jeonju reported 14 cases of whooping cough with the average annual incidence of 0.12 / 100000. Age-eligible children should be vaccinated against whooping cough 174 235 people, inoculated 172 074 people, the average annual vaccination rate of 98.76%. Compared with 1994-2003, pertussis vaccination rate increased by 10.84%, the incidence decreased by 96.10%. Conclusions Prevention and treatment measures such as pertussis vaccination are put in place and the epidemic situation has been effectively controlled.