伦敦蒙难 1895年10月26日,孙中山领导兴中会发动广州起义,由于谋事不密,被清政府察觉,起义失败。起义领导人陈少白、郑士良到香港避难。陆皓东为了返回秘密住所销毀起义者名单,不幸被捕牺牲。清政府悬赏“缉捕”:孙中山1000元,陈少白、郑士良等200元或100元。孙中山在起义失败后,先到广州基督教牧师王煜初家避难,后乘轿潜往澳门,在葡萄牙朋友佛兰德斯的帮助下,于10月29日抵达香港。31日从汇丰银行取出300美元,避开警察,登上开往日本神户的船。11月12日在神户登岸。不久赴横滨建立兴中会分会。 1896年1月,孙中山断辫发、改服饰抵达美国
London was in trouble On October 26, 1895, Sun Yat-sen’s leadership of the Hsintien Society launched the Guangzhou Uprising. As a result of its lack of conspiracy, it was noticed by the Qing government that the uprising failed. Chen Shaobai and Zheng Shiliang, leaders of the uprising, sought shelter in Hong Kong. Lu Haodong in order to return to the secret shelter destroyed the list of insurgents, unfortunately, arrested and sacrificed. Qing government rewards “arrest”: Sun Yat-sen 1,000 yuan, Chen Shaobai, Zheng Shiliang 200 yuan or 100 yuan. After the failure of the uprising, Sun Yat-sen arrived in Guangzhou for his first asylum at home, after being evangelized by Christian priest Wang Yu. After riding in a car to Macau, he arrived in Hong Kong on October 29 with the help of his friend Flanders. On the 31st, he took out 300 U.S. dollars from HSBC to avoid the police and boarded the ship bound for Kobe, Japan. November 12 in Kobe, landing. Soon to Yokohama to establish Xingzhong Branch. In January 1896, Sun Yat-sen cut his hair and changed his costume to the United States