激光技术是六十年代发展起来的崭新的科学,它是由激光器里的特定物质激发后,发射出的具有高能量光束。激光器的种类很多,我们采用了氦-氖激光器照射泡桐种子,收到较好的效果。现将试验结果简介如下: 一、材料与方法材料是毛泡桐种子。采用氦-氖激光器,剂量为6毫瓦,处理时间分别为5分钟、10分钟和15分钟。于1977年3月25日上午11时作照射,下午2时浸种放在温室内催芽,4月2日上午出现萌动,4月4日多数种子萌动,播于营养缽内育苗,6月14日上午移入圃地。在苗
Laser technology is a new science developed in the sixties. It is a high-energy beam emitted by a specific substance in a laser. Many types of lasers, we use a helium-neon laser Paulownia seed, received good results. Now the test results are summarized as follows: First, materials and methods The material is Paulownia seed. A helium-neon laser was used at a dose of 6 milliwatts for treatment times of 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 15 minutes respectively. On March 25, 1977 at 11 o’clock in the morning for irradiation, at 2 pm soaking in the greenhouse germination, April 2 morning germination, April 4 most of the seeds germination, sowing in nutrient bowl seedling, June 14 Move into the garden in the morning. In the seedlings