社会学界普遍认为:人的年龄有四种计算方法,一是自然年龄,二是生理年龄,三是心理年龄,四是社会年龄。 自然年龄也就是人们平时所谈的“你多大年纪啦?”过一年就长一岁,谁都是这样。但是,中国人计算自然年龄有两种算法,一是“虚岁”,即生下来就算一岁。以后过一年再加一
Sociology is generally believed that: There are four human age calculation methods, one is the natural age, the second is the physiological age, the third is the psychological age, the fourth is the social age. Natural age is what people usually talk about, “How old are you?” One year longer, no one is like this. However, there are two algorithms for calculating the natural age in China, one is “virtual age”, that is, one year old when born. After a year plus one