患者,男,38岁,农民,心前区隐痛、发闷6个月加重10天,于1988年12月27日入院。于6个月前无诱因出现胸前区隐痛以左侧为重,向左肩背部放散,持续数分钟可自行缓解,劳累后加重休息后缓解。当地按“冠心病”治疗无好转而转我院。体温、脉搏、呼吸、血压正常。胸骨中下段明显压痛,右季肋部有少许出血点,心率88次,闻早搏,第一心音增强 P_2=A_2,未闻及杂音,肝右肋下2.5cm、脾左
Patient, male, 38 years old, farmer, precordial pain, tenderness 6 months to aggravate 10 days, on December 27, 1988 admission. 6 months ago, no incentive causes chest pain in the left area as the weight loss to the left shoulder dorsal, continued for several minutes to ease themselves, tired after exacerbating rest ease. According to the local “coronary heart disease” treatment without improvement and transferred to our hospital. Body temperature, pulse, respiration, normal blood pressure. In the middle and lower part of the sternum, there was obvious tenderness. There was a little bleeding in the right rib in the right quarter. The heart rate was 88 times. The first heart sound increased P_2 = A_2,