六月,顶着炎炎烈日,虽然天气热得让人抓狂,可街头仍不乏甜蜜情侣们的对对倩影,他们身着情侣装,甚至背包、饰品也是成双成对,他们对烈日视而不见,完全沉溺于爱河之中;而那些热恋情侣的海报更成为街边一道亮丽的风景线,也许世界上最浪漫的事,就是能与恋人神形合一, 互为偎依。
In June, against the scorching sun, though the weather was so crazy, there are still many sweet couples on the street. They wear lovers and even backpacks, and the accessories are paired up. They turned a blind eye to the hot sun, Totally addicted to love; and those who love couples posters become a beautiful street landscape, perhaps the world’s most romantic thing is to be able to form a lover with God, each nesting.