Effect of Aging on Microstructure and Mechanical Property of 1900 MPa Grade Maraging Stainless Steel

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liujifanhua
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The 18%Ni alloy steels provide high strength and toughness, while age-hardenable or PH stainless steels also have good corrosion resistance. This paper focuses on an investigation of the heat treatment, mechanical properties and microstructural development of a new maraging stainless steel. It is reported that the heat treatment process should consist of solution treatment and cryogenic cooling to attain a fully martensitic structure, followed by aging at 813 K. This heat treatment resulted in an ultimate tensile strength of over 1900 MPa combined with good impact toughness. Transmission electron microscopy is used to show that, for the peak-aged condition (813 K/4 h), nano-sized precipitates, e.g.Ni3Mo and/or R-phase, and a high density of dislocations were uniformly dispersed in the lath martensite matrix. The calculated yield strength, based on a revised Orowan mechanism, is in good agreement with the test data. The steel studied has an ultimate tensile strength over 1900 MPa, excellent fracture toughness, and good resistance against over-aging and relatively good corrosion resistance as well. The 18% Ni alloy steels provide high strength and toughness, while age-hardenable or PH stainless steels also have good corrosion resistance. This paper focuses on an investigation of the heat treatment, mechanical properties and microstructural development of a new maraging stainless steel. It is reported that the heat treatment process should consist of solution treatment and cryogenic cooling to attain a fully martensitic structure, followed by aging at 813 K. This heat treatment resulted in an ultimate tensile strength of over 1900 MPa combined with good impact toughness. Transmission electron microscopy is used to show that for the peak-aged condition (813 K / 4 h), nano-sized precipitates, egNi3Mo and / or R-phase, and a high density of dislocations were dispersed dispersed in the lath martensite matrix. The calculated yield strength, based on a revised Orowan mechanism, is in good agreement with the test data. The steel studied has an ultimate tensile strength over 1900 MPa, excel lent fracture toughness, and good resistance against over-aging and relatively good corrosion resistance as well.
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