From the 1920s to the 1960s, Seynolds published a large number of novels. His masterpieces are “Pan-Pan Trilogy” (hereinafter referred to as Trilogy), “Hill” and “Baominese” grass“. Poon God is the god of land and forest in Greek mythology, the protector of hunters, shepherds, and fishermen. The Mountain of the Mountain, published in 1929, narrates Baizhuang, a dilapidated small village with only four houses and 13 people. The whole village is enveloped in a mysterious and fearful atmosphere, with diseases, water and fires. Test everyone in the village; the same year in August, ”New France Review“ published ”a Baimin“. The novel takes the village of Baimne in the Alps as the background, narrates the story of the old wanderer Ameed helping his boy Alban to rescue his beloved girl. In 1930, ”The Regenerating Grass" came out and won the Nocle Cliff Award. The novel described the decline The renaissance of the village of Obenna.