Accompanied by the continuous development and maturity of science and technology, the museum’s fire safety network system is also increasingly intelligent and automated. The automation technology, information technology, micro-electronics technology in the fire system applications, to promote fire detection devices, automatic alarm devices, facilities linkage mechanism rapid development. At present, all kinds of non-ordinary public security threats such as terrorist attacks, social upheaval and natural disasters occur frequently, and the degree of damage and the difficulty of coping with them are also obviously raised. The extensive application of many new materials and techniques has led to an increase in the number of fires and to some extent improved museums Fire safety management of the difficulty. Therefore, according to the specific situation of the museum’s fire safety work, this article conducts an in-depth study from three aspects: system management, effective operation of fire facilities, personnel training, with a view to establishing an efficient network system of fire safety work so as to improve the fire safety of the museum.