历史的长卷翻到1935年10月,这是一个悲壮日子; 中国工农红军的英勇将士,摆脱了国民党数十万军队的四面夹攻、堵截,历经千难万险,爬雪山,过草地,终于征服了长征路上最后一险六盘山,胜利到达了甘肃境内。长途跋涉的红军将士们在环县耿湾一带安营扎寨,休整待命。此时,天已渐黑,将士们又饥又渴,疲惫不堪,部分同志见沟谷中清泉淙淙、清涌晶莹,耐不住痛饮起来。第二天
The long scroll of history turned to October 1935, which was a tragic day. The heroic officers and soldiers of the Red Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants got rid of the clutches and interceptions of the hundreds of thousands of KMT troops and finally conquered through the hardships and dangers. The last leg of the long march Liupanshan victory reached Gansu. Long-distance treacherous Red Army officers and men camp in Geng Wan, Central County camp, rest and standby. At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the soldiers were hungry and thirsty, exhausted. Some of the comrades saw the spring in the valley of valleys and shrouded in clear water. the next day