男,11个月,生后即出现尿频,尿线细而无力,有时呈滴沥状伴哭闹。1983年11月13日入院。体检:一般情况良好,外生殖器正常,IVP 双肾正常.逆行尿道造影:前列腺部尿道有一梭形充盈缺损约0.9×0.5cm。诊断:先天性精阜增生症,同年12月7日在基础麻醉加骶麻下,采用牵引切除法切除精阜。手术顺利,痊愈出院。病理诊断:先天性精阜增生症。手术方法:仰卧位,臀部垫高。下腹正中切口,暴露膀胱颈及前列腺包膜,在包膜上置两根牵
Male, 11 months after birth, frequent urination, thin and weak urinary tract, and sometimes dripping dripping with the crying. November 13, 1983 admission. Physical examination: good in general, genital normal, normal IVP kidneys. Retrograde urethrography: Prostate urethra has a fusiform filling defect about 0.9 × 0.5cm. Diagnosis: congenital fine Fu hyperplasia, the same year on December 7 in the basic anesthesia plus sacral anesthesia, the use of traction resection of fine Fu. The operation went well and he was discharged. Pathological diagnosis: Congenital Jing Fu hyperplasia. Surgical methods: supine position, buttocks pad high. The incision in the lower abdomen, exposing the bladder neck and prostate capsule, placed in the envelope on the two pull