The Chinese Educators’ Workers’ Union recently received tribute to the education work of China by the International Bureau of Educators’ Workers’ Union concerning the issue of the Educators’ Book for Peace Toward Peace and the patriotic education campaign on the anti-American aid Korea. Among the above noted documents are: Valerian (France), President of the International Council of Trade Unions for Educators, General de la Nune (France), Vice-Chairman Griffov (USSR), member: Lenin Abulmstein (Romania), Papyrus (Italy), Pokhara (Poland), Ekaterinburg (German Democratic Republic), Skelanken (Czech Republic) ), Krajisel (Austria). These two documents read as follows :( a) the International Council for the Education trade unionists view to concluding a peace pact tell educators countries around the world book of teachers, professors, scientists: stained with Korean women, the elderly, children with blood The American imperialists are trying to expand the flames of war to the whole world and putting humankind into a new world war. You must have felt the tragic consequences of the rescheduling of the arms race. You feel that your basic rights have been devastated again and you feel the heavy burden on public education and the plummeting health budgets.