孕期疼痛可发生在从头至脚的不同部位,大多数疼痛源于生理现象,亦有少数出于病理因素。因此,掌握疼痛的性质,有益于母婴的身体健康。 头痛 部分妇女怀孕早期可有头昏、轻度头痛现象,此属常见的早孕反应,倘若在怀孕6个月以后出现日趋加重的头痛,伴呕吐、胸闷,甚至出现睁眼视物模糊,闭眼金星飞舞,同时有水肿、高血压和蛋白尿,此为妊娠高血压综合症的严重并发症,如果不及时治疗,会发展为抽搐、昏迷,危及母子安全。 胃痛 孕期消化器官的肌肉蠕动减缓,常有胃部胀气、饱满感。有的孕妇可出现不断返酸水和胃灼痛,这是怀孕引起的胃部逆行蠕动,致使胃内酸性内溶物从胃里返流到食道、喉咙及嘴内,刺激粘膜引起的,这种胃痛不宜用含碳酸氢钠的碱性药物,因这些药物虽可暂时减轻和缓解疼痛,但其最大缺点是会增加胃酸分泌和加重水肿。疼痛难忍时,可适当服用氢氧化铝凝胶,有时采取半坐卧位可以减轻疼痛。 腹痛 有些女刁女怀孕初期会感到骨盆区有牵引痛和下坠感,此可能是子宫后倾或是怀孕后盆腔血管充血扩张所致。如果腹痛剧烈且伴有阴道出血,可能是流产或子宫外孕的征兆,
Pregnancy pain can occur in different parts of the head to foot, most of the pain from the physiological phenomenon, there are a few out of the pathological factors. Therefore, grasping the nature of pain is beneficial to the health of mothers and babies. Headache Some women may have early pregnancy dizziness, mild headache, which is a common early pregnancy reaction, if after 6 months of pregnancy appear aggravating headache, with vomiting, chest tightness, or even blurred vision, blurred vision, closed eyes Venus flutter, while edema, hypertension and proteinuria, this is a serious complication of pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, if not treated, will develop convulsions, coma, endangering the safety of mother and child. Stomach pain during pregnancy digestive tract muscle slows, often flatulence, fullness. Some pregnant women may continue to acid reflux and stomach burning, which is caused by pregnancy retrograde gastric motility, resulting in acid reflux in the stomach from the stomach to the esophagus, throat and mouth to stimulate the mucosa, which Stomach pain should not be used with sodium bicarbonate alkaline drugs, although these drugs can temporarily reduce and ease pain, but its biggest drawback is that it will increase gastric acid secretion and aggravate edema. When the pain is unbearable, it can be properly taken aluminum hydroxide gel, and sometimes take half-sitting position can relieve pain. Abdominal pain Some women Diao female early pregnancy may feel the pelvic area pain and fall feeling, which may be due to posterior uterus or pelvic vascular congestion after pregnancy expansion. If severe abdominal pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding may be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy,