研究抗日名将张自忠的生死观,使我感到异常欣慰和振奋,当年他率部浴血疆场的情景,仿佛就在眼前。他慷慨悲壮战死沙场,忠勇义烈之举,足可惊天地泣鬼神。他那团结抗日的英雄气概,誓死报国的豪言壮语,源远流长的民族气节,将永远彪炳史册,启迪后人,张将军殉国55年了,但自忠精神,已成为推动社会前进的巨大动力,激励炎黄子孙在科教兴国、振兴中华的道路上,昂首阔步奔向未来。 团结抗日的英雄气概 纵观抗日民族英雄张自忠上将49年的生命历程,充满着传奇色彩,散发着灿烂光辉,跳动着时代脉搏,洋溢着浩然正气,真乃中国革命史上一位少见的英雄。
Studying the life and death view of Zhang Zizhong, an anti-Japanese champion, made me feel very happy and excited. In the same year, he took part in the scene of bloody battle and seemed to be at hand. His brave and brave death battle, Zhongyie Yiyizhi move, enough to shaking the world weeping ghosts and gods. His unyielding heroism, vowing to serve the country’s rhetoric and the longstanding national integrity will forever make history clear and inspire posterity and general Zhang to die for 55 years. However, the spirit of self-indulgence has become a huge impetus to promoting social progress and has encouraged Yanhuang On the road of rejuvenating China with science and education and rejuvenating China, our children and grandchildren are striding toward the future. Throughout the 49 years of life, Ambassador Zhang Zizhong, an anti-Japanese national hero, is full of legend, exudes brilliant and pulsating with the pulse of the times. It is a rare hero in the history of the Chinese revolution.