编辑同志: 今年我校期中语文考试有这样一道题:“划出句子‘王志强学习刻苦得到了同学们的赞扬’的主语。”对于这道题的正确答案,老师先说是“王志强”,但这样“学习刻苦”是什么成分呢?后来,他又说“王志强学习刻苦”是主语。到底哪个答案正确呢?为什么?请您告之,十分感谢。此致敬礼河南滑县留固乡初级中学学生张子蛟 1986年11月27日
Editing comrades: This year’s mid-term Chinese language exam in our school has such a question: “The subject of the sentence “Wang Zhiqiang’s learning has been praised by the classmates assiduously.” For the correct answer to this question, the teacher first said “Wang Zhiqiang”, but What is the ingredient of “learning hard”? Later, he also said that “Wang Zhiqiang is studying hard” is the subject. Which answer is correct? Why? Please tell us, thank you very much. This is a tribute to Zhang Ziyi, a junior high school student at Liugu County, Hua County, Henan Province. November 27, 1986