
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michael_zhang_x
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Objective(s). To compare the type-specific human papillomavirus (HPV) recover y from physician and patient-collected samples. Methods. Three hundred thirty- four (334) women attending colposcopy clinics in three countries were enrolled i n this cross-sectional study. Cervicovaginal samples were collected by patients and physicians and processed with polymerase chain reaction and reverse line bl ot genotyping. McNemar’s Chi-squared tests and Kappa statistics were utilized to determine statistical associations between physician-versus patient-collect ed samples. Results. Oncogenic HPV infection was identified in 23.2%of patient -collected specimens compared to 34.9%of physician-collected specimens. Physi cian sampling detected significantly more infections with type 16 and 52 than di d self-sampling and significantly more oncogenic HPV infection overall. For non -oncogenic HPV detection, there was no statistical difference between physician -and patientcollected samples. Conclusion(s). Patient sampling for HPV using a single vaginal brush does not identify all oncogenic HPV subtypes. Objective (s). To compare the type-specific human papillomavirus (HPV) recover y from physician and patient-collected samples. Methods. Three Hundreds-four (334) women attending colposcopy clinics in three countries were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Cervicovaginal samples were collected by patients and physicians and processed with polymerase chain reaction and reverse line bl ot genotyping. McNemar’s Chi-squared tests and Kappa statistics were utilized to determine statistical associations between physician-versus patient-collect ed samples. Results. Oncogenic HPV infection was identified in 23.2% of patient -collected specimens compared to 34.9% of physician-collected specimens. Physi cian sampling significantly more more infections with type 16 and 52 than di d self-sampling and significantly more oncogenic HPV infection overall. -oncogenic HPV detection, there was no statistical difference between physician-and patientcollected samples. Conclusion (s). P atient sampling for HPV using a single vaginal brush does not identify all oncogenic HPV subtypes.
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