兵源与分类 国外预备役官兵主要来源是:退出现役的军人、参加军训的大中院校学生、经过基本训练未服现役而直接服预备役的适龄青年和志愿人员等。不同类型的预备役,官兵来源也不尽相同。一般说来,武装力量新兵的主要来源是未经训练的役龄人员,他们必须进行兵役登记和体格检查。为了在必要时能够确保可靠的兵源,美国法定年满18岁者,自生日后30天内必须到兵役机关登记,违反者将被处以5
Sources and categories of foreign reserve officers and soldiers The main sources are: soldiers who have withdrawn from active service, students who attend military training in large and middle schools, and youths and volunteers directly serving in reservists who have not undergone active training through basic training. Different types of reserve, the sources of officers and soldiers are not the same. As a general rule, the main sources of recruits for the armed forces are untrained members of the war age, who must conduct military service registration and physical examination. In order to ensure a credible source if necessary, the United States must be 18 years of age or older and must register with the military service within 30 days of birth, and the offenders will be sentenced to 5