
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tuniao1
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本文结合湖南省江永县的地理、历史、人口变迁,结合瑶族的传统民俗和文字产 生的一般规律等对“女书”的族属问题作了各方面的分析,得出“女书”是一种瑶族文字的结论。 Based on the geographical, historical and population changes of Jiangyong County in Hunan Province and the general laws of Yao folk traditions and characters, this paper analyzes the ethnicity of the “female book” in various aspects and concludes that “female book” is A conclusion of the Yao language.
中国科协于 2 0 0 0年 9月 1 7日至 9月 2 0日在西安市举行了主题为“西部大开发、科教先行和可持续发展”的学术年会 .与会者有海内外著名科学家、 6 0多位两院院士、 1 0 0
The rate equations and power evolution equations of erbium-doped telluride glass fiber amplifier for both 1.530 and 2.700 μm lasers are solved numerically, the
肖蒲桃[Syzygium acuminatissimum(Blume)DC.]为桃金娘科(Myrtaceae)蒲桃属植物。常绿乔木,株高可达20m,嫩枝圆形或有钝棱。叶软革质,卵状披针形或狭披针形,长5~12 cm,宽1~3.
We evaluated the spatial and temporal patterns of forest fires in two fire seasons(March to June and September to November) from 1996 to 2010 in Jilin Province,
21世纪的《史记》研究应从第一手资料出发 ,要注重《史记》文化精神的研究 ;要加强训诂、目录、校勘、版本、考据等基础性研究 ;要重视《史记》重点难点问题研究 ;要避免研究
FLIR推出的专门针对在实验室环境下进行电子元件和印刷电路板(PCB)热特性测试与分析而设计的红外热像仪,FLIR ETS320?可以提高电子产品行业的测试和诊断精度,帮助工程师和测
This paper, with an analysis based on a mathematic model in accordance with the theory that the shortest distance between two points on a sphere is the length