Population dynamics of Japanese threadfin bream Nemipterus japonicus from Pakistani waters

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guangzhilin123546
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Japanese threadfin bream Nemipterus japonicus(Bloch, 1791) is among the most abundant and commercially important species in Pakistan. From the coast of Pakistan, four demersal trawl surveys in October–November 2009 and May–June, August, October and November in 2010 were carried out. The purpose of this study is to estimate the population dynamics and status of the stock of the N. japonicus from Pakistani waters based on the research trawl surveys from the research area. The data consist of n=784 length-weight pairs and n=7 530 length frequency with the maximum length and weight of 29 cm and 358 g respectively. The length frequency data were analyzed using ELEFAN method in FiSAT computer package. The parameters of length and weight relationship were b=2.778, a=0.032 and R2=0.973. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth function parameters were L∞=30.45 cm, K=0.270 year-1. Based on length-converted catch curve analysis the total mortality(Z) during this study was estimated at 0.960 year-1. The natural mortality coefficient(M) was 0.74 year-1 using Pauly’s equation(the annual average sea surface temperature was 27°C), therefore, the fishing mortality coefficients(F) were 0.22 year-1. The yield per recruit analysis indicated that when tc was 2, Fmax was estimated at 1.2 and F0.1 at 1.1. When tc was 1, Fmax was estimated at 0.95 and F0.1 at 0.8. Because current age at first capture is about 1 year and Fcurrent was 0.22, Fcurrent is smaller than F0.1 and Fmax, which indicated that the fishery is about in a safe condition. When using Gulland(1971) biological reference point, Fopt was equals to M(0.74). The current fishing mortality rate of 0.22 was smaller than the target biological reference point. From the coast of Pakistan, four demersal trawl surveys in October-November 2009 and May-June, August, October and November in 2010 were The purpose of this study is to estimate the population dynamics and status of the stock of the N. japonicus from Pakistani waters based on the research trawl surveys from the research area. The data of of n = 784 length-weight pairs and The length of the data were analyzed using the ELEFAN method in FiSAT computer package. The parameters of length and weight relationship were b = 2.778, a = 0.032 and n = 7 530 length frequency with the maximum length and weight of 29 cm and 358 g respectively. R2 = 0.973. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth function parameters were L∞ = 30.45 cm, K = 0.270 year-1. Based on length-converted catch curve analysis the total mortality (Z) during this study was estimated at 0.960 ye ar-1. The natural mortality coefficient (M) was 0.74 year-1 using Pauly’s equation (the annual average sea surface temperature was 27 ° C), therefore, the fishing mortality coefficients (F) were 0.22 year-1. The yield per When tc was 1, Fmax was estimated at 0.95 and F0.1 at 0.8. Because current age at first capture is about 1 year and Fcurrent When using Focal was smaller than F0.1 and Fmax, which indicated that the fishery was about in a safe condition. When using Gulland (1971) biological reference point, Fopt was equals to M (0.74). The current fishing mortality rate of 0.22 was smaller than the target biological reference point.
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