巴巴苏油椰是原产南美热带地区的棕榈科野生油料植物,种类很多。在巴西亚马孙河流域的热带雨林里有马氏油椰(Orbignya martiana),在干旱半落叶林里有巴西油椰(Oξolcifcra)。它们树姿都很高大,粗壮挺拔的树干有20米高,树干顶部披散着长达9米的巨大叶片,微风拂过,绿叶在阳光下熠熠闪光。这些油椰的叶腋常萌生巨大的花序,花后雌花序发育成1米多长的果序,一个果序最低重30斤,最高可达180多斤。每序着生200—500粒椰果,连串生长,好似小椰果。果实长8—15厘米,横径5—9厘米。核仁占果重
Babacoo oil palm is native to South America tropical palm oil plants, a wide range of species. There are Orbignya martiana in the rainforest of the Amazon River in Brazil and Oξolcifcra in the dry and deciduous forest. They are tall and tall, stout tall trees 20 meters high, the trunk of the top draped 9 meters long huge leaves, breeze blowing, green leaves shining in the sun. These oleaginous leaf axils often sprout a huge inflorescence, flower inflorescence developed into a 1 meter long sequence, a minimum order weight 30 kg, up to 180 kg. 200-500 grains of coconut are born with each order, a series of growth, like a small coconut fruit. Fruit length 8-15 cm, diameter 5-9 cm. Nucleolus accounted for fruit weight