七月颂歌七月站立在四季的中央放射出五彩缤纷的的光环灿烂春夏与秋冬以大起大落的姿态指挥着四季家族的大合唱与日月同歌天地喜生正气而我欲望的心灵倍感活力注入一年一次这火红的七月总是如期而至聆听岁月深处的那支歌令我默默感动直至一生七月七月 年年七月将阳光下晴朗的
July carols July standing in the center of the four seasons radiate a colorful halo Splendid spring and summer and autumn and winter to the ups and downs of the command of the four seasons family chorus and the sun and the moon with the world live upright and my desire to feel energized Once in a while, this fiery July is always on schedule to hear the song in the depths of my life I move silently until my life July July July every year sunny in the sun