言语适应理论(Speech Accomodation Theory:SAT)由柴尔斯等人于70年代初提出,发展至今已近三十年,理论本身在不断的实践中都得到了发展和完善,日益趋于成熟。其丰富的研究成果和新颖的理论视角受到了社会心理学、社会语言学、交际学、语用学、话语分析、第二语言习得的欢迎和接受,成为了一种很重要的具有学科交叉性质的理论[6]。将该理论应用于日语专业学生的自主学习中,指导日语专业学生更加有效地利用课堂外时间进行日语学习,从根本上改变学生日语自主学习现状,是我们此次研究的目的和意义之所在。
Speech Accomodation Theory (SAT) was proposed by Sylvester and others in the early 1970s and has been developed for almost thirty years. The theory itself has been developed and perfected in constant practice and increasingly mature. Its rich research results and novel theoretical perspectives have been welcomed and accepted by social psychology, social linguistics, communicative studies, pragmatics, discourse analysis and second language acquisition, and have become a very important subject with interdisciplinary Theory of Nature [6]. This theory is applied to the independent study of Japanese majors, to guide Japanese majors to use Japanese language learning more effectively outside of class hours, and to fundamentally change the status quo of students’ autonomous learning in Japanese. This is the purpose and significance of our study.