Skin often baffling itchy skin too dry or nerve fibers are stimulated will give itchy feeling. Because nerve endings are particularly sensitive to inflammation and changes in the surrounding environment, especially temperature, it is easy to have an itchy feeling. Sweaty hands Sweaty When we are under a lot of stress, the body dissipates sweat to relieve tension. The sweat glands vary in response to sensory and psychological stimuli and to thermal stimuli. In the nervous, fear, excitement and other mental factors under the influence of nerve impulses from the cerebral cortex to the palm of the small sweat gland leading to excretion of excretion of sweat glands in the short term rapid increase that produces palmar neuropathic sweating. This kind of sweating usually appears in the palm of the hand may sometimes appear in the back of the hand, head, neck, forearm and lower leg and so on. Standing squatting dizzy when you are squatting when the blood is concentrated in the lower body and suddenly stood up