继1991年大水之后,1996年蚌埠地区又一次遭受洪水袭击。6月28日、7月3日、7月14日,在不到20天内连降三次大雨,累计降雨量达350毫米以上,部分地区5天内降雨量达336毫米。浍河固镇闸、沱河濠城闸和北淝河北淝闸水位分别为:18.96米、18.19米、17.28米,其中固镇闸水位超过1991年最高洪水位0.47米。沱河、澥河水位为多年来少见,直接经济损失22亿元。 痛定思痛,洪后反思,造成蚌埠市’96水灾主要有以下原因: 原因之一:降雨强度大、间隔短、
Following the flood in 1991, another flood hit Bengbu in 1996. On June 28, July 3 and July 14, it rained three times in less than 20 days with a cumulative rainfall of over 350 millimeters. In some areas, the rainfall reached 336 millimeters in five days. The water level of Bahe Guzhen Gate, Tuopo Haocheng Gate and Beibeihe Beibei Gate are respectively 18.96m, 18.19m and 17.28m, of which Guzizi gate exceeded 0.47m for the highest flood level in 1991. Tuohe, Tuo River water level over the years rare, direct economic loss of 2.2 billion. Bitter thought pain, flood reflection, resulting in ’96 floods in Bengbu City, mainly for the following reasons: One of the reasons: rainfall intensity, short intervals,