How to make up for the loopholes left after the unfair terms have been found is a theoretical issue that is less discussed by jurisprudence. The three existing standards are the most reasonable clause, the punitive clause and the minimum tolerance clause, respectively. The minimum tolerance clause standard conforms to the basic concept of freedom of contract, the other two standards are not. Punitive terms and conditions only have deterrent effect based on space. The most reasonable terms and conditions are punitive in nature and not entirely efficient. The minimum tolerance standard is in line with efficiency. The most reasonable terms and conditions, as in the context of rational persons, are fully consistent with the minimum tolerance clause standard. Laws such as Labor Contract Law and Security Law Interpretation have in fact established the minimum tolerance clause standard, which is mainly embodied in the existing jurisdictions such as a large amount of private lending rates and excessive liquidated damages. The minimum tolerance clause standard should be the general criterion for making up for the loophole that is found after the terms of an unfair contract.