在美国南达科他州的西南部,有一闻名遐迩的旅游名城——拉皮德城。该城的拉释摩尔山上的总统雕像群,华盛顿、杰斐逊、罗斯福和林肯四位总统每天都以同样的表情接见来自世界各地的数以万计的旅游者,而卡斯特国家公园中的野生动物和大自然的鬼斧种工造就的劣土山也同样吸引着众多游客。如今这里正在兴建一项跨世纪的伟大工程,一座表现印第安人文化的巨形雕像“黑山神骑”。 “黑山神骑”位于拉皮德城西南的黑山自然保护区,它表现的是一位印第安英雄的马上英姿。它的作者,雕塑家库尔扎克·捷尔库瓦斯基出生于美国波士顿的一波兰裔家庭,他周岁时即成为弧儿,被人收养成人。他在艺术上的
In the southwestern United States, South Dakota, there is a famous tourist city - Rapid City. The statue of Presidential Statue on Mount Ramdul in the city, the four presidents of Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln met the tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world in the same expression every day, while the wild in the Custer National Park Badlands, built by animals and nature, also attract many tourists. A great project of the past century is being built here, a giant statue of the god of Montenegro that shows the culture of the Indians. Located in the Montenegro Nature Reserve, south-west of Rapid City, Montenegrin is a horse-riding demonstration of an Indian hero. Its author, sculptor, Kurzak, was born in a Polish-American family in Boston, U.S.A. He became an arc at age and was adopted as an adult. He is in art