
来源 :学前教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alovey
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户外活动时,李老师带孩子们玩大型玩具。淘气的明明从滑梯正面向上爬,既影响其他幼儿滑滑梯,又容易发生意外。李老师多次提醒、劝说他,可当李老师转身照顾别的幼儿时,明明又故技重演。无奈,李老师只好请明明站到自己身边反省反省。恰巧园长来了,园长严肃地低声对李... In outdoor activities, Teacher Li brought children to play large toys. Naughty from the slightest positive climb, not only affect other children slides, but also prone to accidents. Teacher Li reminded many times to persuade him, but when Teacher Li turned to take care of other children, he obviously played again. Helpless, Teacher Li had to clearly stand to reflect on their own reflection. Coincidentally, the principal came, the principal solemnly whispered to Li ...
虽然“劳动者自主择业,市场调节就业,政府促进就业”的方针业已成为社会的共识,并已经上升为国家的法律规定;但是对于“促进就业”问题的法制研究明显不足,尤其是应当从宏观上和微观上采取什么样的政策措施和法制方略,目前还缺少一种关注。这里,结合重庆市的实际状况对重庆市促进就业的政策和法制建设提出一些想法和建议。   由于重庆市人口基数比较大,加上人口自然增长的惯性作用,劳动年龄人口的总量将不断增加,据一些