The existing literature mainly discusses the long-memory nature of individual market returns or the interdependence of market returns, but none of these two problems are related to research.Different from the previous studies, the article will study the stock market returns of multiple countries and the United States Stock market returns tail dependence between the long memory problem.This not only test the effectiveness of the market, but also help to characterize the interdependence between the international market structure, observe the characteristics of crisis contagion and make early warning.In order to characterize the market tail Long memory dynamic change structure, the paper improves the existing model and proposes a long memory change-point detection method.From the point of change, this paper empirically analyzes the tail dependence between the Chinese, Japanese, German and French stock markets and the U.S. stock market And then studies the contagion phenomenon of the subprime mortgage crisis.The empirical results show that the model proposed in this paper is effective in analyzing financial contagion and the empirical results between different stock markets are similar.The first change point and The time of the second change point corresponds to the end of the subprime mortgage crisis and the start time respectively. Based on the two change points, the data is divided into three-segment pair estimates The results showed that the lower tail dependency coefficient became significantly larger during crisis contagion, and the long memory of dependency was also significantly increased, indicating that the subprime mortgage crisis had an infectious effect on the countries analyzed.