人卵母细胞与其他哺乳类动物一样经一定时间的培养,胞核能自然成熟。而胞浆成熟对正常受精及胚胎发育也是必要的。动物实验研究表明,内分泌环境对胞浆的成熟及受精起到重要作用。人体外受精(IVF)时,常在排卵前几小时采卵,其中部分卵母细胞尚未完全成熟。延迟授精可改善受精率,可能是未完全成熟的卵子胞浆得以成熟之故。而在体外其最后成熟期是否需激素环境尚不清楚,本文就这一问题进行研究。 患输卵管疾患或特发性不孕的24~42岁妇女行IVF,卵巢超排卵用克罗米芬及HMG,注射HCG或内原性LH峰开始后32~34h时在阴道超声
Like other mammals, human oocytes are cultured for a certain period of time and nuclei naturally mature. Maturation of cytoplasm is also necessary for normal fertilization and embryo development. Animal experiments show that the endocrine environment on cytoplasm maturation and fertilization play an important role. In vitro fertilization (IVF), eggs are often collected hours before ovulation, some of which are not fully mature oocytes. Delayed insemination can improve fertilization, may not be fully mature egg cytoplasm to mature. Whether or not the hormone environment is needed in the final maturation in vitro is not clear. This article studies this issue. IVF, ovariectomized with clomiphene and HMG, HCG or endogenous LH peaked in women aged 24-42 years with tubal disease or idiopathic infertility performed vaginal ultrasonography at 32-34 h