Control is the lightest criminal sentence in our country’s criminal law, and is a kind of punishment method created by our country. The practice of fighting criminals for a long time has proved that regulation is an effective method of punishment. First of all, the proper use of the penalty to punish criminals, which embodies the method of multi-level and multi-channel education in China to reform criminals. For those crimes that are less criminal, those who are sentenced but do not have to be detained should be subject to control so as to achieve the goal of punishing and educating criminals. Second, when criminals are sentenced to control and placed in the masses to supervise and remould them, they can arrest fewer people and reduce the load on prisons and labor camps. Thirdly, according to the provisions of the Criminal Law on “For criminals sentenced to control, they should receive equal pay for equal work in their workforce”, criminals will not affect the family life of criminals after being sentenced to control, which is in favor of