The dynamics of stand (ie, the intricate changes in growth, death, reproduction and stand) can be estimated either directly or indirectly. Direct methods, such as the stand table method, include field observations in existing stands. Observations of past growth and mortality in the forest are used to infer future trends. However, direct observation of the growth and mortality of forests is not possible in many cases. The relationship between long-term diameter growth, death and endophytic growth is not reliably established by stand-alone tables. In addition, operators often ask for an option that involves a wide range of business practices. However, the corollary based on past growth is limited. At the same time the cost of direct observation is sometimes staggering. As a result, forest scientists often rely on indirect methods to predict the dynamics of the stand - that is, to infer the stand growth, the number of deaths and the number of stands associated with the stand based on studies of other stands. Use tables, formulas or computational modeling methods to deduce. Some of the ways to predict stand dynamics are collectively referred to as growth and harvest models.