抗日战争时期,国民党副总裁兼行政院长汪精卫卖国投敌,1944年死亡后,其爪牙陈公博继任伪国民政府主席。 陈逆一贯追随汪精卫,为国民党汪派中的得力干将。1932年1月,汪任行政院长兼外交部长时,陈为实业部长兼国民党中央党部民众组织部部长。1938年汪精卫潜逃至河内,发表唁电,响应日本首相近卫倡导的“和平三原则”。当时负责国民党四川
During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wang Jingwei, vice president and chief executive of the Kuomintang, sold his country to enemy power. After his death in 1944, his pawn Chen Gongbo became the chairman of the pseudo-National Government. Chen Lian has always followed Wang Jingwei, the KMT Wang faction in the effective generals. In January 1932, when Wang Ren was the chief executive and foreign minister, Chen was Minister of Industry and Minister of the Popular Organization Department of the Central Party Department of the Kuomintang. In 1938, Wang Jingwei absconded in Hanoi and issued a telegram to respond to the “three principles of peace” advocated by Japan’s prime minister. At that time was responsible for the KMT Sichuan