骨化性纤维瘤多见于青年 ,在颅骨以发生在颌骨多见 ,但肿瘤发生于颞骨岩乳突部者罕见。现将我们遇到的 1例报道如下。患者 ,男 ,13岁。于半年前发现左耳后肿胀隆起 ,时有疼痛。近半月来 ,左耳后肿胀隆起较前加重 ,伴低音调隆隆样耳鸣 ,听力下降。无耳溢液及头痛眩晕、恶心、呕?
Ossifying fibroids more common in young people, in the skull to occur in the jaw more common, but the tumor occurred in the petrous mastoid are rare. Now we have encountered one case reported below. Patient, male, 13 years old. Half a year ago found swelling and swelling of the left ear, sometimes pain. Nearly half a month, the swelling of the left ear swelled heavier, with low-pitched rumble of tinnitus, hearing loss. No ear discharge and headache dizziness, nausea, vomiting?