The Tragedy and the Hero

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  Abstract:“But a man is not made for defeat.A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”Although one man may be destroyed by something,but if he never gives up,he could not be defeated.Just like Santiago,although his fish was ate by sharks,he never give up,so he was never defeated.
  Key words:the old man and the sea;Ernest Miller Hemingway;fisherman
  The Old Man and the Sea,which has won the Pulitzer Prizes and Nobel prize in literature,was famous in history of American literature.When I first met it,I was quite young.And now since I met it again,I have had some new understanding about it.
  I used to think it boring and hard to understand,because it just tolda story that I was not interested in at all.However,now I think it is great because finally,I could understand part of this book.
  This book was written by Ernest Miller Hemingway in his old age.Hewas a man who had joined the World War I,and was regarded as athough guy in literature world.For this reason,more or less,Hemingway’s work show his own character,which is concise,firm and inspiring.
  Santiago,an old fisherman,had gone eighty-four days without taking a fish.There used to be a boy called Manolin as his assistant,but since the old man had not got any fish for more than eighty days,theboy’s parents thought Santiago was unlucky and didn’t allow their son follow him anymore.Besides,many other fishermen laughed at him behind his back,though he never cared about it.Again,he set hissail to catch fishes in the sea.Today was destined to be a different day.First,he got a tuna,which was not what he wanted.He continued his work and then,something was on the hook.The old man was ready to fight with it,but wait,there was something strange.Although he was a experienced fisherman,he had fought with it more than three days! And finally,he realized how big the fish was.What’s worse,the big fish attracted many sharks and they finally ate all the fish andonly left a fish skeleton to the old man.I would feel hopeless and may end my life if I suffered such desperate thing,but Santiago didn’t.He came back to his home toughly.He didn’t bother anyone.When the morning arrived,many people found him and the fish skeleton,everyone was shocked by it.The boy,who worried about the old man most,was shocked by the big fish skeleton,too.He decided to follow Santiago again and no one could stop him.
  At almost the end of this book,the old man said“They beat me,Manolin,they truly beat me.”Manolin answered“He didn’t beat you.Not the fish.”   Then,I would like to appreciate and analysis some beautiful and classic sentences from this book.“But a man is not made for defeat.A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”Here the writer used passive voice and ellipsis.Although one man may be destroyed by something,but if he never gives up,he could not be defeated.Just like Santiago,although his fish was ate by sharks,he never give up,so he was never defeated.
  “Now is no time to think of what you do not have.Think of what you can do with what there is.”Here the writer used imperative sentence and contrast.When you meet difficulties and think you could do nothing,try to calm down and think of what you can do!“An hour later he sighted the first shark.It was a fierce Mako,and itcame in fastto slash with raking teeth at the dead marlin.With failing might the old man struck the shark with his harpoon.The Mako rolled and sank,carrying the harpoon with it and leaving the marlin mutilated and bloody.”Here it used concomitant adverbials to show the shark’s state,to show how scaring and cruel the shark is.The shark got some fish and the smell of blood attracted more sharks.Finally,Santiago lost the whole fish but a fish skeleton.
  In fact,most sentences in this book are not really beautiful.They justdescribed what happened in a intuitive and accurate way.But they are full of the power of words,and you can find the meaning under his words.
  It seems that this book talks about a tragedy,for the old man got nothing at last,but he was totally a hero.It is his spirit that impresses us most.The most scaring thing is not failure,but losing your heart.Keep calm and carry on,then you will be a hero.
  Now,keep moving forward and find your sea and fish!
摘 要:叶圣陶先生作为中国儿童文学的奠基人,在儿童文学创作中倾心尽力地把爱,善,美等基本价值观与审美意识注入到对儿童心灵和人格的培养与塑造中,在这种美育中同时体现出其思辩意识,对虚无和意义的呈现与讨论是其思辩意识的一个主要方面。由于中国特殊的社会时代背景,叶老的童话并非像当时译介的外国童话那样缔造充满鲜花与温情的无忧无虑的天堂,而是把社会的虚伪与浮夸,人性之复杂,生活之艰难一应呈现在儿童面前。但这
摘 要:香港虽说是一个中西文化冲击较高的城市,但从本质上讲,叶锦添的成长氛围依旧带着浓浓的东方传统文化,对于传统文化的认同感已经植根于他的心中,影响了他的眼光和喜好。所以在叶锦添后来的作品中可以寻找到浓郁的传统色彩,展现出了以中国为基础的东方意象的精髓。  关键词:叶锦添;成长历史;艺术发展;艺术理念  1967年,叶锦添出生于香港的一个普通家庭。“那时真是一无所有,晚上一家六口只能挤在双层木板床
摘 要:古诗文教学在传承和弘扬传统文化方面具备独特优势。由于初中生正处于青春叛逆期,心智尚不成熟,在古诗文教学中渗透传统文化,有助于增强学生对传统文化的了解与认识。鉴于此,本文主要探讨初中古诗文教学中传统文化的渗透策略,助力教师运用传统内容提高初中语文教学质量,提高学生综合素质。  关鍵词:初中语文;古诗文教学;传统文化;渗透策略  传统文化运行轨迹灿烂而绵长,直到今天依旧屹立于世界文化之林,中华
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摘 要:本文主要采用亚沸态水提、絮凝以及醇沉相结合的方式来对双黄连进行精制提取,以促进中药成分的提高。通过实验研究对双黄连的提取精制方案和工艺进行明确,以促进双黄连的药用效果的提升,仅供相关人员参考。  关键词:双黄连;提取精制;工艺  中药双黄连制剂主要以金银花、连翘等组成,是在优选古方并去粗取精的基础上所研制出的中药制剂,在我国临床医学上具有良好的应用价值,能够对细菌和病毒进行有效的抵抗,并具