第34届德国足球甲级联赛自8月16日开赛以来,截止到9月8日已经赛过5轮。在前5轮的比赛中,德甲联赛表现了两种令人可喜可贺的趋势。一是具有雄厚实力的老牌劲旅仍然保持着领先的地位;二是新晋升的甲级队不怵由众多大牌球星组成的“梦之队”,显示出“螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后”的后发之势。 首轮比赛外援逞威 在8月17日举行的首轮比赛中,两届冠军得主多特蒙德队客场挑战勒沃库森队。多特蒙德为了保住自1963年以来经过奋勇拼搏才得到的两届冠军称号,本赛季送走了表现不佳的乌拉圭的索萨,以800
The 34th German Bundesliga has played 5 rounds since Sept. 8 since it started on August 16. In the first five rounds, the Bundesliga showed two welcome trends. First, the powerful old-style powerhouses still maintain a leading position; Second, the newly promoted Class A team consists of many big-name players composed of “Dream Team”, showing “praying mantis catch cicada, the queen in the post” of After the trend. The first round of foreign aid to succeed Granville in the first round of competition held on August 17, two-time champion Dortmund win away Bayer Leverkusen. Dortmund, in order to keep the title of two titles since brazenly fighting since 1963, this season sent away the poor performance of Uruguay’s Sosa to 800