
来源 :思想政治课教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lillian0606
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当前高中政治课堂情境设置通常存在三种误区:一、情境材料的选取粗糙随意。二、认为情境教学就是举例子。三、情境设置过多且松散。对此,高中政治课堂的情境设置,需要甄选情境材料,补充有效信息,渗透人文性、思辨性,突出时代性和典型性;要超越简单的“例证”思维,引发学生审慎思考、深入探究;善于设置主线,让各类情境形成有机整体,提高情境教学的质量和水平。 There are usually three kinds of misunderstandings in current situation setting of political classes in high school: First, the selection of situational materials is rough and arbitrary. Second, think of situational teaching is an example. Third, the situation set too much and loose. In this regard, the context setting of high school political class needs to select situational material, supplement the effective information, infiltrate the humanistic nature, speculativeness, and highlight the characteristics of the times and typicality. It is necessary to go beyond the simple “illustration” thinking and arouse students’ cautious thinking. Explore; good at setting the main line, let all kinds of situations form an organic whole, improve the quality and level of situational teaching.
看着封面,我觉得十分有趣。一个皇宫似的笼子里,关着一个身穿牢服的男孩。住在那么漂亮的笼子里,应该感到幸福才是,而这个男孩却愁眉苦脸,真是奇怪。  看完了书,我知道了主人公的名字叫路易斯,一直想当一个搞笑艺人。但是,自从他的父母搬到了“苦读镇”后,就完全变了样儿,父母一心只想让孩子搞好成绩,还帮他报了许多烦人的辅导班。在他父母的字典里,没有“自由”和“隐私”这两个词。幸好后来经过了一场“训练”,让父