The Different Indication of the Same Words in Different Contents between Different Cultures

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This paper focus on such type of words,explore their different cultural contents.This paper talks about the significance of religious culture and belief in foreign language learning.The connection between words and religion and belief brings out a question that is the lackness of religious culture and belief in our foreign language learning. This paper focus on such type of words, explore their different cultural contents. This paper talks about the significance of religious culture and belief in foreign language learning. The connection between words and religion and belief brings out a question that is the lackness of religious culture. and belief in our foreign language learning.
【摘要】为了让初中英语课堂教学变得更加有效,专家与学者在不断的探索新的教学方法中,根据初中生的年龄以及心理特点,提出了情趣英语教学法的观点,而情趣教学法是这几年我国新兴的一种教学方法,它不仅可以激发学生的兴趣,而且可以调动学生的积极性以及激发学生的主动性。  【关键词】初中英语 新兴 情趣教学法    传统的英语教学一般只注重词汇教学、阅读训练、文章翻译、重要语法和反复练习,因此,学生只能看懂并理