Jeseh和Thompson等曾分别指出等离子法聚合的丁二烯(PPB)膜与等离子体法聚合的乙烯膜的结构基本相似,但他们都没有对产物结构进行过系统分析。本文对丁二烯聚合规律及其聚合物结构进行研究。 1.实验部分丁二烯(锦州石油六厂产品)纯度99.9%,氩气
Jeseh and Thompson et al. Have respectively pointed out that plasma-polymerized butadiene (PPB) films have similar structure to plasma-polymerized ethylene films, but none of them systematically analyzed the product structure. In this paper, the law of polymerization of butadiene and its polymer structure were studied. 1. Experimental part Butadiene (Jinzhou Petroleum Liuchang products) purity of 99.9%, argon