中国工程机械代理制始于20世纪90年代初。改革开放的大潮不但带来了国外先进的工 程机械产品,更带来了高水平的市场竞争手段与通路运作方式,加之中国工程机械市场通路 特有的用户分散的特点,以及制造商实现终端实际销售的需求,构成了代理制生根发芽的沃 土,一大批懵懵懂懂的代理商就是在这样的背景下登上了历史舞台。 当时,工程机械制造商对代理商的要求也不过只局限于接货、销售、回款。随着工程机 械行业1992-1993年、2000-2004年的两次繁荣和1994-1997年的萧条以及2004年的宏观调 控,10多年来,中国的工程机械代理商也经历了一次次洗礼。然而伴随着工程机械行业的潮 起潮落,如今这些代理商们的生存状况如何?他们的代理理念究竟发生了哪些变化?本刊 2004年底在行业内进行了一次较大范围的调查,共向代理商发出调查问卷400余份,每份问 卷总计36个问题,问题的设置涉及方面较全。截至目前共回收有效问卷263份。 本刊对这些问卷进行了统计和分析,希望能将中国工程机械代理商10多年来的发展历程, 通过调查分析结果反映给广大读者和关心工程机械行业代理制的人们。
China Construction Machinery Agency began in the early 1990s. The tide of reform and opening up has not only brought advanced foreign construction machinery products, but also brought a high level of market competition means and ways of operation, coupled with China Construction Machinery market access characteristics of the user-dispersed channels, as well as manufacturers to achieve the actual terminal sales The demand constitutes a fertile soil for the germination of the proxy system. A large number of clumsy agents are boarded the stage of history in this context. At that time, construction machinery manufacturers to agents but also limited to only accept the goods, sales, payment. With the boom of construction machinery industry in 1992-1993 and 2000-2004 and the depression of 1994-1997 and the macro-control in 2004, China’s construction machinery dealers also experienced a baptism for more than 10 years. However, with the ebb and flow of the construction machinery industry, what are the living conditions of these agents now? What changes have happened in their agency concepts? In the end of 2004, we conducted a large-scale survey in the industry, Agents issued more than 400 questionnaires, a total of 36 questionnaires each question, the problem involves more complete set. Up to now, 263 valid questionnaires have been collected. The magazine conducted a statistical analysis of these questionnaires, hoping to represent China’s construction machinery agents over 10 years of development history, through the analysis of survey results to the general readers and agents concerned about the construction machinery industry people.